I am so proud of the students and staff at Garden City High School. That's where I graduated from high school. My dad took a transfer when we were younger and moved us from Leadville, Colorado to Garden City, KS. Leadville is literally the highest elevated town in America (nearly two miles high). That’s the polar opposite of Garden City. I can remember my mom using very "choice words" when my dad broke the news that we were moving to Kansas. Well, it all worked out. I loved all of my friends that I made in Garden City.
I’ve always been a radio geek. I had my dad take me to the KBRR studios in Leadville, Colorado, so I could watch the DJ’s in action. That continued when we moved to the flatland's of western Kansas. I would bug the DJ’s at KIUL in Garden City.
When I got into high school, I enrolled in the broadcasting class. We had a radio and television studio set up there at the school. We called it the “BBS.” That stands for the Buffalo Broadcasting System. Garden City is the home of the Buffaloes. Ragin’ Brown, baby! I would stay after school and did a radio show and we would even convince our teacher to let us in to do it on the weekend. I finally put a demo together and applied at KIUL/KWKR in Garden City. I got a job and was full time within a couple months. I went to school from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. every day and then worked 4 p.m. till midnight at the radio station. It was awesome. I was making $250 a week. That was good money for a junior in high school. It was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had. I have many friends in radio, television and even newspaper that were at the BBS with me. I keep in touch with them and I love to hear what they’re up to, and to exchange stories of our crazy days in Garden.
The students at Garden City High School have a new school and a lot better equipment than we had when I was at the school. I wouldn’t have changed it for the world. Congrats to the students at Garden City High School on winning all of your awards and keep up the great work!
Check out the video below to see what the Buffalo Broadcasting System won!